We offer a tailored approach for each customer, with open lines of communication and an experience customized to meet the needs of the client. We lead the industry with our use of technology to offer advanced solutions to all our clients’ needs.


See how we rise above the rest.

Our commitment to quality is central to how we operate at CGC. In addition to hiring experienced personnel and sourcing only the highest-quality resources, we also partner with some of the best local and national subcontractors and suppliers. From pre-construction to final walk-throughs, we’re committed to exceptional service and workmanship at every step. 


Discover what makes us different.

No matter the size of your project, CGC has the experience to make it a success. With over 100 years of combined project management experience, CGC provides a depth of knowledge across industries and a proven ability to complete complex and detailed plans. 


Learn how we care for our people.

CGC considers the personal safety of employees and contract workers to be of utmost importance. We believe that our employees are our most important investment, and their safety at our work sites is our greatest responsibility. CGC requires all contractors to be familiar with and abide by any and all applicable OSHA Safety and Health Standards. 

Contact us!

Want to learn how CGC can help with your next project?  Drop us a line today. 

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